Knowledge of English will allow you to find contact with more than a billion people on Earth. It is believed that younger age is better educated, so adults often think about where to start learning English with a child. They forget that there are many modern methods to learn English on their own.

To get started is to choose a way of learning. You can study in a group, individually with a teacher or quickly learn English at home on your own.

Group classes

Group lessons are the most common way to learn English. Its advantages are obvious:

  • the courses are about people of about the same level, and no one feels constraint;
  • there are always interlocutors for dialogue;
  • the cost of group classes is much lower than the individual;
  • Great opportunity to make new friends.

Among the disadvantages is that the teacher can not pay all attention to one student.He may miss the fact that the ward is not well mastered the material. If we are talking about a child, then he most likely does not recognize this on his own.

Classes with a teacher

One of the most effective ways to start learning English in 1st grade or at 45 is to work with a teacher. This should be an experienced mentor who will help to understand the essence of the language, form the foundation of basic knowledge and feel the spoken form of English.

In addition, the task of the teacher is the role of the interlocutor. He will be the first to speak with the student and explain the grammar in simple words. Under strict guidance, it is much easier for children to learn English or start it from scratch to an adult. An alternative to individual classes can be interactive learning via Skype or other instant messengers with video communication.

Self study

If it is not possible to use the services of a private teacher or attend group classes, then independent lessons will be quite effective.

It is recommended to study at least 3 times a week for an hour. If you want faster results, then classes should be conducted daily for at least 40 minutes. Occasionally, you can arrange a day off for your head to rest, and new information to “settle down”.

At the first stages it is necessary to concentrate on speech skills. A little later, you can write simple texts and read short articles. An effective exercise is to listen to your level podcasts. It is also necessary to find an interlocutor for practice - it occupies an important place in the general methodology of language learning.

Simple cramming will not bring the desired effect. Memorized phrases and designs very quickly fly out of my head. It is necessary to immediately begin to use the information received in the dialogues. For example, if you managed to learn a dozen words on one topic, then you need to make a simple story with their use and write it down. After that, it is worth reading the received text several times and reflecting on the use of new terms in the context of history. You should also deal with grammar: having studied Past Continuous, you need to make a few sentences in this time.

Difficulties and mistakes

Each of the beginners wants to quickly learn as much as possible material. Therefore, inexperienced students are trying to start learning English through video tutorials or specialized sites, where without registration you can get an abundance of materials. The student tries to use all this at the same time. The result is unsystematic and piling up tasks, which only leads to quick fatigue from the lessons themselves without the desired effect.

An error that reduces all efforts to nothing, will be the absence of a stage of repetition of the past. The first impression that the topic has been learned by heart may turn out to be a mistake. It is better to return to it in a month and be convinced of the quality of mastering the material.

Stages of self-study of the English language

Start learning the language is recommended to master the rules of reading. This is the basis of study. At the first stage, the student tries to understand how to pronounce the sounds, their combinations and words. This is done through special tables with transcription.

At the second stage you should verify the correct pronunciation of the words. Most often, words are pronounced differently than they are written down. Also in English there are a lot of words that do not obey any rules at all. For this it is convenient to use online dictionaries. The recorded word is pronounced by a computer voice. Hear should be repeated several times, completely imitating the voice. This is the easiest way to get as close as possible to the correct pronunciation.

At the third stage, you can take up the collection of your own vocabulary. This is also done through numerous online dictionaries. This can be both audio and visual options. Learn new words to help bright pictures, translation into Russian and associative series. You need to start with simple general topics. The easiest way to remember those words that are most often used in Russian.An important part of the vocabulary should be verbs. It is this part of speech that makes English dynamic and alive.

In the next step, you need to do grammar. If you violate the grammatical rules, you should not count on understanding from the interlocutor. A good tutorial will help to cope with a difficult task. Also, various Internet resources with an abundance of methods of mastering English grammar can come to the rescue.

At the next stage, you can safely proceed to listening to podcasts. You need to start with a short 30 seconds to 2 minutes. This will allow you to quickly and easily get used to the sound of speech.

After all of the above, you can safely move to a more difficult stage - listening to the news in English. It will also be useful to watch movies in the original language. You can start with those that suggest the presence of subtitles.

One of the most effective stages in the development of language skills can be considered reading texts. This allows not only to replenish vocabulary, but also to memorize spelling.

A new step to mastering the English language will be installing special programs and applications on a smartphone or tablet. Such tutorials will always be at hand and will allow to use every free minute with advantage. Among the most popular applications:

  • Lingualeo;
  • Duolingo;
  • Voxy;
  • Words;
  • Easy Ten;
  • Learn English;
  • Rosetta Stone;
  • English Grammar in Use Activities.

Approximately the same effect can be achieved when practicing online. To do this, there are hundreds of sites with a variety of methods. You can choose a paid version or limited to an economy option that offers all the useful material only for registering on the site.

As you can see, learning a new language is not so difficult. It is only important to set a goal, and the methods and means for this will be found by themselves. Their variety around allows you to find the best option for everyone.


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