Amazonite is a stone of volcanic origin, which has a turquoise or bright green color. This mineral belongs to the group of lunar stones and is a kind of potassium-feldspar, while the color spectrum is provided by lead ions in the chemical composition of the mineral. Many believe that the name of the stone comes from the Amazon River in South America, but was not found there. According to one of the legends, the name of the mineral is associated with mythical warlike women - the Amazons, who love the noble green color.

In most cases, gem crystals are found in the form of coarse-grained veins and clusters, or single-crystal inclusions of various shapes. Amazonite with a uniform color does not occur in nature, as it usually has white or dull-white blotches. The attractiveness and silky outflow of stone are provided by pergitic ingots of white albite.

The magmatic origin of the stone explains its formation in pegmatite veins, but sometimes it can be found in granites. The stone deposit is the Kola Peninsula, the Cherry Mountains in the Urals, the Sailing and Flat Mountains, which are located in the Murmansk region. There are also deposits of stone in the USA and Brazil, Madagascar, India and Namibia, however, mineral extraction is not performed there.

Amazonite is used to create various items, such as jewelry boxes, brooches and rings, cufflinks and vases, beads and hairpins. Jewelers also make ornamental mineral, making souvenirs and jewelry from it. In addition, amazonite has found application in construction, with its crumbs made artificial finishing tiles. Also in Russia you can find expensive products made of amazonite, for example, vases and table tops, which are stored in the Hermitage (St. Petersburg).

Types and colors of amazonite

The depth of the basic paint of the mineral is determined by shades of green, while the color of the stone disappears if it is heated to temperatures above 500 degrees Celsius. With the help of x-rays or radioactive radiation, the color of the stone can be restored, and to return its natural green color you need to store the mineral in the dark. If the temperature is more than 6 hundred degrees, the color is lost forever.

To see the process of iridescence, just split the stone and polish the cleavage line. However, it is impossible to see this process in jewelry stones, as jewelers give it a different type of processing. Usually the stone is oval or round in shape, has an attractive appearance and glitters during its rotation. At the same time, experts noted that the richer and darker the color of the stone, the greater its healing power.

Types of amazonite:

  • Melkopertitovy - stone bluish-green hue, which has not clear traces of white albite pertitov.
  • The krupnoppertitovy stone is a turquoise mineral with a clear pattern and white albite intergrowths. At the same time, of the total weight of the stone, more than a third is occupied by oblong perthite processes, their width is no more than 3 millimeters, and the length reaches 3 centimeters. Also there are stones with jagged incrustations of irregular shape.

The healing properties of the stone

Since ancient times, people believed that this stone is intended for the elderly, because it will help to return lightness and youth. Beads from this mineral served not only as a beautiful piece of jewelery, but also as a magically strong object, betraying the skin with a young and silky look. Also, a stone can protect its owner from radiation, therefore, it is recommended to people who often spend time near a computer, a microwave oven, and other objects that emit electromagnetic waves.

At the same time, amazonite is a good antispasmodic that promotes the rapid regeneration of tissues and internal organs after serious injuries and illnesses, as well as surgical intervention. Mineral balls are used for massage to prevent vascular diseases, the appearance of varicose veins or blood clots.

Amazonite has a positive effect on the nervous system, healing disorders and strengthening the heart muscle. Also, the stone has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, saving it from diseases, and has been used repeatedly to treat the throat. At the same time, the mineral is responsible for lipid metabolism, regulating its work. Amazonite supports the absorption of food, produces enzymes that break down fats.

The mineral improves calcium absorption, therefore it is used in case of diseases of the compounds, and is also used to strengthen nails, hair and teeth. To sores from the skin, it is enough to rub the affected area with a stone. Women who want to preserve youth, also wear jewelry with amazonite, as it inhibits the aging process of the skin.

Amazonite powder inhibits cell growth, so it is used by people with cancer. The stone has a special effect on the nervous system, relieving stress and calming the mind.He is also able to extinguish anger and irritability, withdraw from depression and redirect the owner to a more positive direction, depriving him of aggression and restoring composure.

The magical properties of amazonite

As it is known, this stone develops a gift for visions in its owner, therefore in ancient times sorcerers used it, laying the mineral on a magic altar. Amazonite is a symbol of courage and devotion, which allows to strengthen the bonds of marriage and bring harmony to the home. Thanks to him, family relations will improve, everyone will treat each other with love and understanding.

Stone instills in its owner a sense of security, comfort and convenience, so you can feel calm. The stone is especially useful for people who are unable to control emotions and aggression. At the same time, the mineral will protect against stupid acts and negative thoughts, depriving the owner of excessive narcissism.

Amazonite is a female stone, hiding in itself tenderness and beauty, which is able to support maternal feelings. The owner of the stone will get together with him additional luck and protection, as the stone protects against the evil eye, damage and other negative influences. At the same time, the beauty and charm of the girl only grows, and the mineral will restore youth to the aged women, filling life with energy. Experts believe that the stone is able to heal emotional trauma, taking all the negative energy onto itself, filling life with joy and a smile.

To whom amazonite is suitable according to the sign of the zodiac

Amazonite jewelry is universal and has a beneficial effect on people of all zodiac signs. The stone has only positive energy, so it can be used by any person, regardless of his zodiac sign. It is believed that amazonite is most suitable for Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, because it is they who will discover its power to the full. With the help of a stone, people of this sign will discover hidden forces and secret energy in themselves, thanks to which they can become the first in everything, easily overcoming difficulties and obstacles.


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