Ruby is a type of red corundum. This mineral belongs to the precious stones, moreover, since ancient times it was at a cost higher than diamond. Its history spans over four thousand years and hundreds of peoples concerned with it. At the same time, every nation perceived the stone differently, someone considered it a talisman, while others symbolized wealth and wealth. From ancient times to this day, stone has been used in the manufacture of jewelry, personifying wealth and wealth. It is this stone that adorns the crowns of the rulers.

The red ruby ​​is brilliant, and resembles a flame when reflecting light. The ancestors called the ruby ​​the yacht. The extraction of the mineral occurs in almost all the world, except Antarctica. The most precious and high-quality minerals are famous Thailand, Sri Lanka and Tajikistan. Stone mining also occurs in East African countries.It is important to note that corundum (rubies) are not of the same color, but play with shades of red (purple tint, pink, crimson, brown or bright red).

Of particular value is the type of ruby, inside which you can see the six-pointed star - the star ruby. There is no difference what color a stone has, because a star can be seen in a mineral of any color, however, this phenomenon is rare, therefore such stones are of great value. A cheaper option is an opaque ruby ​​(refined), which is heat treated to improve the “purity” of the mineral.

With the development of modern technology, such a thing as a synthetic ruby ​​having an artificial origin has appeared. For the first time, they began production of such a stone in France, while it is almost impossible to distinguish a fake from a real natural mineral and only a high-level expert can cope with this (there are no such jewelers in our country).

Ruby and its magical properties

Red corundum from ancient times is famous for its magical properties, namely:

  • Strengthens the main character traits - some people do better and kinder, others, on the contrary, therefore it is not recommended to be used by people who have a hypocritical, cruel and imperious character.
  • Charm for kind personalities, protecting from magic, rituals, enemies, envious people and the evil eye.
  • Ruby is a symbol of health and strength, but at the same time it can personify passionate and lasting love.
  • Enlightens thoughts, bringing in the soul, warmth and peace.
  • It deprives of uncertainty and doubt, serves as a symbol of chastity and courage.
  • It improves health by healing the soul and body, as a result of which it prolongs the life of its owner, making it more joyful.
  • Expels the longing and bad thoughts from a person, heals infertility.
  • Protects against natural disasters (natural disasters, lightning).
  • In the past, with his help, it was determined whether there was poison in food or drink, as it changed its color at danger.
  • Makes a person purposeful, attracting to him financial well-being.
  • It arouses extrasensory abilities; therefore, it is used by powerful magicians, while the weak are afraid of it, since ruby ​​requires proper treatment.

In general, a ruby ​​is a powerful mineral filled with magical power that can change the life of its owner for the better. However, with a number of advantages there is one major drawback - it is forbidden to wear it all the time. Otherwise, the stone will not give energy, but will take it away or overfill it, which only hurts.

Healing properties of ruby

Ruby is the greatest stone that has been valued since ancient times for its unique healing abilities. Previously, medicines were produced from this mineral, and ruby ​​powder and water infused with ruby ​​had a special value. Of course, skeptics and official medicine are wary of such things, but many people only confirm the incredible abilities of this stone.

Ruby is able to help with illnesses, the number of which is simply enormous:

  • Regulates the mode of rest and sleep, a good remedy for insomnia, it is recommended for hypochondria.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Returns male power.
  • Relieves fatigue (moral and physical).
  • Enhances the feeling of appetite.
  • Heals scabies and leprosy.
  • Removes a person from depression.
  • Improves servants and memory, stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Heals ailments of the throat.
  • Restores the nervous system.
  • Drives tonsillitis.
  • Relieves pain from joints.
  • Used in the treatment of diseases of the blood, spine or musculoskeletal system.
  • Restores sight.
  • It cures epileptic seizures.
  • Radiating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is not the whole list of diseases from which ruby ​​helps, especially if you believe in its power. If pains appear, then the ruby ​​is simply placed on the painful area, absorbing all the negative.In order to maximize the use of the stone, it is advised to wear it on the body - that is, to have direct contact so that it can rub against a person, having a beneficial effect on his body.

Who is suitable for a ruby ​​on the sign of the zodiac

Ruby is a mineral of goodness and love, strength and oxen, warmth and peace of mind. Like most gems, it doesn’t suit everyone, and the horoscope helps to clearly define the “level of friendship” with a ruby. All signs of the zodiac have their own elemental energy, which can both coincide with a ruby ​​and vice versa. If you believe the astrologers, then this stone is best used by Cancers and Sagittarius.

In the first case, the stone will contribute to the deprivation of modesty and shyness, will make a person more purposeful and give him love for life. As for Streltsov, the ruby ​​will make them more resolute and domineering, loyal and open, while helping in any difficult situation. Also, a ruby ​​can be worn to Lions, in particular, women who can be ruby ​​to be more attractive and happy in love affairs. A man of this sign will be more confident in himself and his strength.

Aries and Scorpios can also use ruby, thanks to which they will become more docile and soft. Capricorn, using ruby, will become more active and purposeful, and all his ambition will be directed to the right direction. Do not recommend using this stone in principle only to Virgos and Taurus.


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