The cat's eye is a mineral that has been known to mankind for a long time and is an indispensable companion for magicians and sorcerers. There are many amazing stories and mystical legends about this stone, so since ancient times people have created amulets and amulets from this mineral for themselves and their loved ones. It is believed that even the goddess Bastet (the goddess of fertility and motherhood in ancient Rome) was fed by the forces of this stone, which she used as a protector and helper.

If you believe the excavations of archaeologists, the cat's eye is an essential attribute during the holidays and rites of the ancient Slavs. Usually this stone was carried with them by clairvoyants and other people with supernatural abilities. Previously, this mineral had a different name, namely - Devil Stone, because it has an amazing and even frightening mystical power.

A cat's eye is a semi-precious stone that has several varieties.At the same time, the main property of the stone is the ability to protect and heal the soul of its owner, filling it with self-confidence and strength, positive thoughts and good luck. It is worth noting that the stone is amazing and attractive in appearance, however, does not serve as the best gift, as it is not for everyone. If a person is not combined with a stone, then he can have a negative impact on life and health.

How to determine the fake stone cat's eye

The name of the stone is due to its unique optical effect, because when you look at it, it may seem that you notice the glitter of the eyes, like in cats. To get this result, it is processed using the cabochon technique, in nature it is impossible to meet the cat's eye with this effect. In fact, the cat's eye is a quartz mineral with proper processing.

The cost of a genuine stone is practically not inferior to cubic zirconia or diamonds; therefore, very often there are fakes of the mineral, having a cost several times lower. As an imitation, it is customary to use processed borosilicate glass, which has an attractive appearance, but has nothing in common with minerals and stones.

Tips to distinguish a cat's eye from a cheap fake:

  • The original mineral often has a green or brown glow, but fakes can have a glow of any color.
  • A real stone, placed in darkness, can shine due to the refraction of light rays, a fake cannot boast with such a property.
  • The cat's eye light lines have a vertical or horizontal direction, while glass produces round and zigzag light lines.

However, determining the authenticity of a stone on its own is not always as easy as it may seem, so it’s best to contact an experienced jeweler, because only he will use a special technique to determine if a real stone is.

The healing properties of the cat's eye

As it is known, this stone has unique healing properties that exist not only due to legends, but also to real facts. In addition, the healing properties of the stone were confirmed using laboratory tests. First of all, the stone helps those who have cardiovascular diseases, as the stone strengthens the liver and heart, as well as the work of blood vessels. The cat's eye is the ideal solution for asthma, as the stone makes breathing easier and clears the lungs.

Oriental healers use stone when working with people who have increased aggression or nervous strain. The stone stabilizes the work of the nervous system, bringing tranquility, regularity and tranquility to the life of its owner.

Cat's eye and its magical properties

The cat's eye is a mineral that has unique mystical abilities. First of all, this stone will make its owner more attentive to detail, so you can concentrate on the details that can change life. A cat's eye is a stone of people working with a large amount of information, numbers or details. Mineral helps to focus on work, improves memory.

At the same time, this mineral is able to surprise not only with its beauty, but also with its protective functions, therefore, it is often used as a talisman to protect against harm, grief and tragedy. People knew about this property since ancient times, so they made amulets and amulets that were always carried with them from stone. For a long time it was believed that the cat's eye is able to save even from death, therefore it was bestowed on a newborn.

Also, the cat's eye makes its owner more charismatic, noticeable to others. In this regard, the stone can be used by modest and insecure people who, thanks to the mineral, will gain authority, confidence in themselves and their abilities. The result will not be long in coming, and the owner of the stone will soon achieve results that previously could only be a dream.

The stone also helps repel conflicts, negative thoughts and events, filling life with positive energy.It is worth noting that the mineral helps not only in career growth, but also in the family, relationships. In ancient times, they believed that by giving a stone to the enemy, you can eventually find a common language with him, forgetting old problems and conflicts.

The stone attracts calm and harmony, stabilizing the nervous system. Thanks to this, you can become more peaceful and focused by engaging in the achievement of new goals. The main magical ability of the cat's eye - it attracts material well-being into life, making its owner not only respected, but also a rich person.

What professions can cat's eyes use?

It is usually considered that this stone is suitable for creative people, as well as for those who cannot live without a scene. The fact is that the stone develops its potential, having a beneficial effect on the creative impulses of its owner. Also, lithotherapists believe that the mineral should be an essential attribute for the military, because it makes them stronger, more resilient and calm. Stone gives scientists and diplomats confidence in themselves and their strengths, making them more eloquent.

To suit the cat's eye on the sign of the zodiac

Astrologers claim that the cat's eye, although considered to be a universal talisman, is not for everyone. Depending on the sign of the zodiac, the magical and healing properties of the stone can both decrease and increase.

Best of all, the cat's eye is suitable for people whose element is Water: Pisces, Scorpios and Crayfish. This group of zodiac signs will feel the magic and healing power of a stone more than others. Astrologers recommend that these zodiac signs constantly carry a stone with them, preferring only to him. Also a stone can be used by girls whose zodiac sign is Libra. Cat's eye will make the owner more peaceful, feminine and sexy. The least stone is combined with Aquarius, Taurus and Capricorn.


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