Ways to independently strengthen the nails of a great many. In this list there are nail masks that have already proven themselves and have been used for years. But there are those ingredients that are new to modern fashion women. Nevertheless, they are worth a try to supplement your home makeup bag with new useful tools.

The most effective components of homemade nail masks are:

  • olive oil;
  • lemon juice;
  • iodine;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Red pepper;
  • salt;
  • beeswax;
  • herbal infusions (chamomile, burdock root, St. John's wort);
  • gelatin;
  • essential and base oils and more.

Olive oil and lemon

To mask with oil were more effective, they are recommended to be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. For formulations with olive oil, heat it in a water bath and add a little lemon juice. If the mixture turned out enough, then you can immerse your nails completely.If you want to save the healing agent, then it is enough to lubricate the nails plentifully and put on cotton gloves. It is best to leave the appliqué overnight. Olive oil can be replaced by castor oil.

If intensive treatment is required, the procedure should be carried out 2 times a week for 2 months. For prophylaxis, 1 time per week is enough

Also effective is a nourishing mask of olive oil, eggs and honey. All the ingredients are mixed and the nails are immersed in the resulting mass for 20-40 minutes. The work of this mask is visible after the second application. Nails look smoother and shinier.

Saline trays from delamination

The most popular remedy for brittleness and delamination of nails to this day remains a strong saline solution. With regular use, this procedure will strengthen the plate and make it lighter.

A small bowl of water and iodized sea salt are needed to prepare the bath. An alternative would be salt and medical iodine. The solution should be strong. It should miss your fingers for 30 minutes, after which you can brush your hands with cream. A ten-day course with daily procedures is recommended for nail treatment. After that, you can do prophylactic baths once a week.

Beeswax for nail strength

Beeswax is an effective remedy for giving the nails elasticity, reducing brittleness and exfoliating the plate. To prepare the mask you need to melt a small amount of wax in a water bath. In the resulting mass add a few drops of peach oil. This tool needs to lubricate the nail plate and hold a short self-massage session. Flush means not necessary. After a month of regular procedures, you can see obvious improvements in the condition of the nails and the skin around them.

Juice of berries and decoctions of herbs

At home, it is very easy to make masks for nails from the juice of sour berries. This method allows you to nourish weakened nails with vitamins, which over time will lead to an improvement in their overall condition. For the procedure choose:

  • cranberries;
  • cowberry;
  • currants.

Their juice is rubbed into the plate with massage movements. The course must be long. Only in this case there will be an effect from the procedure.

A decoction of herbs used for baths. The collection includes:

  • daisy;
  • burdock root;
  • Hypericum

Broth is to brew more, so it can be used to rinse hair. For nail decoction is prepared in a small deep dish. Nails are immersed in it for 30 minutes. The procedure is recommended to repeat 2 times a week.

Gelatin to strengthen the nail plate

Gelatin baths have rather caring properties. They are used to strengthen the nails and prevent fragility. Gelatin should be mixed in a bowl with water until it is completely dissolved. Hands are immersed in water for 30 minutes. This procedure can be repeated up to 3 times a week.

Nail mask with red pepper

For nail growth, you can use the properties of red hot pepper. It is an excellent stimulant and based on it are preparing very effective masks. The main active agent in the composition of pepper is capsaicin. It stimulates blood circulation, which accelerates the growth of the nail plate. Pepper is also rich in vitamins and minerals.

To prepare the mask, mix a half tablespoon of red pepper powder with the same amount of a fat hand cream. The resulting mass is applied to the nails and hold for 20 minutes. Wash off with suck need warm water. This procedure can be done only once a month.

Nail Mask with Toothpaste

The original way to transform your nails is to use toothpaste as part of masks. The main task of such applications is to whiten the nail plate by analogy with the teeth.

The easiest way is to apply a small amount of toothpaste on the nail and brush it. To enhance the effect of the paste can be additional ingredients:

  • lemon juice (2 tablespoons);
  • toothpaste (2 tsp);
  • baking soda (1 tablespoon).

First, the lemon juice is mixed with soda until the mass foams.After that paste is introduced into it. The resulting mixture is applied to the nails and incubated for 20 minutes. After washing it with warm water, you need to cover your nails with cream.

Nail mask with iodine

Medical iodine is extremely useful for nails. Some ladies put it on the plate in its pure form. But the alcohol in the composition can dry out the nails and cause them to exfoliate. The way out is to add iodine to homemade masks. It is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of iodine. The mixture is slightly heated and rubbed into the nail plate. For greater efficiency, you can wear gloves for 20 minutes.

Lemon for nails

Applying lemon juice to grow and whiten nails is the easiest and most effective method of care. It is enough to cut one small lemon in half and dip the nails into it. After 10-15 minutes, you can wash off the juice and spread your hands with cream.

In addition to the obvious bleaching, lemon gives the nail plate numerous vitamins and minerals from its composition. Regular carrying out of such a procedure in a month will give an obvious result.

Nail masks - this simple and effective way to keep the nail plate healthy and beautiful. Such a wide selection of homemade masks will allow you to regularly change them and nourish your nails with all the necessary and useful substances.


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