The clock is inextricably linked with the most mysterious concept of the universe - time. It is not subject to man and to relate to his flow can only philosophically, idly watching the course of years.

Tattoos, where the clock is the central element, also have a deep philosophical significance. The general meaning is the fate and transience of human life. In ancient Greece, the image of chronometers personified with the gods who control the fate of people: Zeus, Helios and Themis.

Owners of such drawings on the body are most often sedate and reasonable people. They are endowed with a philosophical turn of mind and demonstrate rationality in everything. Every minute of their time is spent wisely. In making decisions, such a person is thoughtful and reasonable. Often, such people are immersed in thoughts about the meaning of life. Also, these figures are preferred by those who are counting time from some significant event in life or before it.

The value of the tattoo "clock" on the zone

In the underworld, a clock tattoo is usually punctured by those who are serving a sentence. Her interpretation is similar to the general: a person counts the minutes to the coveted release. In addition, a tattoo can mean the day when the crime was committed. Next to the image often pinned date.

Tattoo watches girl

Watches are a frequent occurrence on the skin of a woman who enjoys tattooing. In this way, the ladies declare that they have nothing to hide from others. They are honest and open with society. In addition, a tattoo on a woman’s body means that she values ​​and spends her time correctly. The lady prefers order in the mind, in the body and in the house.

A clock without hands is an unkind signal to those around you. The woman has lost purpose and meaning of existence. The moment of creating a tattoo coincides with a difficult period in the life of its owner. Often this is due to the loss of a loved one.

Tattoo watches for men

Men tend to paint their bodies with tattoos much more often than women. Therefore, the clock on them can be observed in large quantities. Thinkers, philosophers, poets adorn themselves with such a sign. Also tattoo can mark travelers who are characterized by fearlessness and a certain stubbornness. The latter prevents them from converging with people, but they will never leave their friends without help.

Clocks and roses, pyramids, broken chronometers and other tattoo plots

Plots and combinations of items on the tattoo can be very diverse. The bright picture of the clock in combination with roses and butterflies embodies the phrase "happy hours are not observed." Raven reinforces the sad story with a clock that speaks about the frailty of existence. A wise bird calls to treat this philosophically.

Broken watches have an unkind energy of doom. Most often, it is chosen by individuals who are in a serious state of mind or even depressed.

The hourglass is similar in meaning to the rest of the chronometers. It is a symbol of fatalism. The owner of this story believes in the predestination of existence. In his opinion, all events of fate are destined. Man has no power over the course of time, he is not able to change anything and must accept the inevitability of finiteness of life. The proximity of death is another meaning of the hourglass. Relentless time daily brings each of us to death. Surprisingly, there are people who wish to have on their bodies a reminder of this fact. Tattoos emphasize this most strikingly, where the clock is adjacent to the skull. Such drawings are best done monochrome.

The combination of clocks and sakura branches in one image means decay and sadness on the passing days. One character reinforces the meaning of the other, as their interpretations converge. The one who has decorated himself with a clock-like pattern is aware that he will not return every last minute. Tattoo causes sadness and reminds of the frailty of existence. Nevertheless, the past tense gives invaluable experience, which also resembles a watch on the skin.

Among those who want to make such a tattoo there are many who wish to emphasize their constant activity, being in motion. Such a person does not sit on the spot and uses time properly. It is important for him to do everything in time.

Tattoo watches on hands, head, neck and other parts of the body.

A tattoo with a clock can be placed on any part of the body:

  • head;
  • neck;
  • hand and hand;
  • breasts;
  • stomach;
  • back (loin);
  • buttocks;
  • feet.

The desire to chop a tattoo at a certain place is most often chosen intuitively and carries a kind of psychological description of the wearer's owner. Tattoo on the head means that its owner seeks to influence in society. It can also symbolize the desire for inner development, spiritual and intellectual. Pictures on the neck mean that a person wants to indicate to others around him something exclusive, which he alone has.

Watches on the hand and other parts of the hands mean striving for self-expression. The owner of such a tattoo is persistent and purposeful. Tattoo on the chest is the personification of the challenge to society.The owner of the picture wants to enter into opposition with the norms adopted in society. If the clock is on the stomach, then their owner is hard to get along with people. Lovers dominate forge patterns on the back. Lovers of tattoos on the lower back - extraordinary people who want to get everything at once.

Choosing a place, you need to take into account the shape and features of the picture. Oblong pictures look better on the arms or legs. Round-shaped compositions will well lie on the shoulder, shoulder blade, thigh and chest.

Tattoo clock: sketches

On the Internet you can find sketches of various options for tattoos with the clock. Also with the range can be found in the catalogs right in the salons. Familiarized with the value of the figure, you need to concentrate on its quality. In order for the result of the master's work to please you, you need to choose clear drawings with careful study of all the small details. The ideal would be the option where the picture is made in the form of a decal, which you can “try on” and make the final decision for yourself.

Style and composition

To realize the desire to impale a picturesque tattoo with a clock, I will help additional details of the design. It is important that the composition carries the integrity of the semantic load. The most vivid and memorable tattoos are made in rebellious style with sharp lines.

Tattoo in watercolor style decorate the body of a girl. She looks more like a photo and will suit dreamy natures. The tattoo will look gentle and moderately bright. You can also choose the most realistic image of the clock. Perhaps even in 3D. It is better to choose a dark story in monochrome.

Newschool is another awesome tattoo style. It has a bright palette and incredible combinations of shades. The picture is framed by wide contours. The result is an original drawing that conveys a lot of emotions.

After studying the information presented above, you can create stunning scenes on your body using the symbol of time. Competent selection of style, composition and colors will allow you to make a tattoo with this ornament.


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