Every day tattooing on the body is becoming increasingly popular, because in this way, girls and men try to express their individuality, to demonstrate the characteristics of their character. Almost everyone does not think about the hidden meaning of an image, putting in its own value. However, before you apply a tattoo on the body, you need to study the sacred meaning of symbolism, because it is not always a good value.

Among the most popular images it is worth noting the dolphin, which is in demand among both the representatives of the weaker sex and men. The thing is that the dolphin is considered the most friendly creature on the planet. He conquers people with his elegance, attractive appearance and well-developed mind. Dolphins are always positive, they like adults and children, playful and uplifting others. It is these qualities that made the dolphin tattoo very popular.

The image of this animal has been used since ancient times. For example, the Greeks believed that a dolphin is the personification of love and passion, because they are the only animals that can have sex not only for reproduction, but also pleasure. The inhabitants of Egypt, the dolphin was associated with kindness, the power of nature, motherhood and healing abilities. Among the Indians, the dolphin was the embodiment of kindness, positive energy and wisdom. Now it is a strong amulet that is able to protect its carrier from external problems and factors affecting a person’s life.

Dolphin tattoo: general meaning

First of all, it should be noted that the dolphin is a universal option and is equally often used by both girls and boys. The main functional task of such a tattoo is a talisman, a talisman for its owner. Many believe that the image of this animal will help in achieving success, will protect against various problems and failures. Also, this tattoo has other meanings that depend on the execution of the picture.

The most popular option among all the sketches was the dolphin, made in the Celtic style, because in their culture, he held a weighty role. According to their interpretation, a dolphin is the personification of positivity, vitality, freedom and joy. He also had another meaning related to the elements of his habitat - water, so the dolphin was the personification of the water element. Probably, everyone has heard how these animals can save, carry the wounded on their back to the shore, or indicate the correct path to the lost ships. The third meaning is the transition to a new life, the next stage. The owner of a Celtic-style dolphin tattoo demonstrates that a new phase has arrived in his life, happier and more successful than the previous one.

Also, the dolphin is considered a symbol of a dream, faith in a bright future, to which the owner of the image strives. Using this tattoo, a person demonstrates that he is ready for life difficulties and has a goal that he wants to achieve at any cost. In most cases, the dolphin is used as a tattoo people who love life, they are always kind, active and positively charged, like the sea animal itself.

Another value tattoo with the image of a dolphin - a passion for speed, the activity of life. Thus, a person declares that he does not tolerate slowness and always makes lightning-fast decisions. If the image contains two dolphins, the tattoo becomes a symbol of yin and yang. If the dolphin rules the ship, then it is a symbol of Christ. Sailors in order to highlight themselves against the background use a tattoo with the image of a dolphin dressed in a sailor suit. Also, such a tattoo will be a talisman for good luck, a symbol of wisdom and friendliness.

Dolphin Tattoo: Value for Girls and Men

Among guys, this tattoo is especially popular in case they have tied their lives with the sea. In this case, the dolphin tattoo will be a symbol of loyalty to his work, the personification of freedom and love for her. In general, the dolphin on the man’s body signifies determination, good nature and high intellectual development. It is important to note that the place for applying a tattoo does not play any role, it can be located both on the back or forearm, and on the chest or leg.

As for girls, they depict a dolphin more gentle and soft, to create a pattern using smooth lines and transitions. Dolphin is not only clever, but also playful, attractive animal, which is loved by absolutely everyone. Using a tattoo with the image of a dolphin, girls demonstrate their sexuality, freedom and mind, in harmony with each other. In general, a dolphin tattoo on a girl's body can be depicted on any part of the body, while the main value will be unchanged, because the sea animal on the weaker sex is a symbol of playfulness, playfulness, but also wisdom and self-confidence.

Dolphin tattoo: sketches and photos of finished works

Before you put a tattoo on the body, you need to choose the right sketch, which will not only be attractive, but also complement the image of its owner. You can use the Internet to select an image, because the number of examples here is almost limitless. The second option - you need to contact the tattoo master, while you need to choose not the one who is cheap, but a real professional in his field. An experienced master will offer the most popular options, will help determine the style of the tattoo and its colors.

At the moment, there are several popular ideas on the image of a dolphin on the body of a girl or boy:

  • Dolphin in a sailor suit - often this image is used by men who are associated with the fleet at the moment or in the past.
  • A chained or pierced dolphin has a special meaning that was not previously mentioned. In this interpretation, the animal will be the symbol of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross. In general, the tattoo has a great religious meaning, but can be used even by people who have only a general idea of ​​religion.
  • Dolphin at the helm of the ship - the personification of God, leading the people behind him.
  • A pair of dolphins - yin and yang, the union of opposites, the existence of which is separately impossible.
  • Dolphin with sea waves.


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