Geometric tattoos are a new, extremely original trend in this culture. The course is constantly progressing. The works of masters, made in this style, look impressive.

Creating sketches for such a tattoo is a snap. It is enough to recall the lessons of geometry and play with lines and shapes, creating from them all sorts of drawings. Applying such a pattern requires experience and real skill. One wrong touch can ruin a composition irrevocably. Filigree wizard will allow you to create stunning story compositions.

Such pictures can hardly be called a novelty. Even in ancient times, such images were sacred and carried a deep meaning, interwoven with combinations of shapes and lines. For example, a triangle is marriage, doom, balance, fire, trinity. Depending on what this triangle is combined with in the composition, conclusions are drawn about its meaning, which is laid down for each unique person.

For the formation of the pattern used lines:

  • curved;
  • straight;
  • meander;
  • broken.

And also the figures:

  • circles;
  • squares;
  • triangles;
  • trapezoid and others.

Most often, craftsmen perform drawings in two-dimensional space. With the help of such tattoos, you can vividly and colorfully express your inner state and emphasize your character traits. Drawings can be small or massive with many details. It does not make sense to make a micromat in this way. The whole essence of the painstaking work of the master in it can not be considered.

Geometry tattoo: flowers, wolf, fox, owl, lion and other drawings

In social networks you can find many groups discussing a variety of tattoos. There is even a group of VK geometric tattoos where you can find a lot of sketches of such patterns and valuable tips from experienced craftsmen.

Before you find a suitable geometric tattoo, you should study the meaning of the image itself. Among the most popular tattoos is a wolf muzzle formed from geometric shapes. This predator symbolizes:

  • courage;
  • bravery;
  • ability to adapt;
  • endurance;
  • will to win

The wolf was always respected, and many lovers to decorate the body with drawings chose such tattoos for the mind and swiftness of this beast. Anyone who prefers a wolfish grin has no right to be cowardly, slow and indecisive. The wolf is faithful to the pack and its wolf. He passes this energy to the owner of the tattoo.

Those who want to use the fox as a totemic animal should know that this symbol is multifaceted and ambiguous. In different nations, the attitude towards foxes was controversial. Some despised her, others, on the contrary, praised the qualities of the beast. The Chinese consider the animal to be the keeper of life, carrying longevity. If the foxes are also white, then you can count on wealth and well-being.

The image of the beast on the body is a sign of a person's striving for self-development, independence and spiritual growth. Such people want to demonstrate their inner strength. Also, the fox is a symbol of deception, licentiousness and windiness. Girls can emphasize with a similar pattern their sexuality and sophistication in love.

A frequent order for tattoo artists is a flower made in a geometric style. Such drawings are symbols of life, rebirth, childbirth. For the colors on the body, their color is of great importance:

  • white - purity;
  • red - passion;
  • black is death.

A popular geometric image has become an owl or owl. The bird itself is associated with dark forces, while it is a symbol of the deepest wisdom. Often, owls are depicted in a composition with a clock to emphasize the depth of the philosophical content of the drawing.

Many nations associate owls with the other world. Their image on the body should be thought out to the smallest detail, since such symbols can carry a heavy energy to a person and adversely affect life in the future.

Geometry tattoo: male and female

Most geometric tattoos are universal in terms of use for men and women. Differences can be identified only in small specific points. Body tattoos are more often chosen by men. Women's tattoos look more compact and elegant. Also, the ladies pick up a less aggressive plot of the picture.

Men rarely put a tattoo on the lower back or groin. It is the prerogative of women. The same rule applies to the area under the breast. As for the plots, men are less likely to use flowers and romantic inscriptions. Also, ladies tend to decorate the body with birds that do not belong to predators. What most of the representatives of the stronger sex do not accept.

Tattoo geometry on the leg, arm, back and other parts of the body.

When choosing a place for drawing on the skin, you should remember a few general points. The intuitive choice of location can tell a lot about the owner of the tattoo. For example, a picture on the head means that a person wants to gain weight in society. Such a tattoo can help you discover hidden abilities in yourself. At the same time the owner of the pattern is not able to control this process.

A tattoo that is lower on the neck means that the person is endowed with unique or rare qualities and he wants to demonstrate this. At the same time he is quite tense, considering that he is unable to cope with current events.

The left hand means that a person uses ordinary, hackneyed problem solving. He tends to operate with stereotypes in all situations. On the contrary, the right hand means a bright desire to express oneself. The owner of such a tattoo is firm and decisive, while sometimes he lacks flexibility.

A tattoo on the chest is a challenge to the surrounding world. A person does not want to follow the norms and declares his right to independently decide his fate. Most often, such people are unsociable and reticent. Drawing on the stomach - this is the reluctance of close communication with outsiders. The tattoo owner has few friends, and his circle of acquaintances undergoes regular shuffling. A back with a tattoo means a desire to dominate. At the same time, a person has and demonstrates internal protection from outside influence.

Tattoos on the legs means that its owner wants to draw the attention of others to some of his qualities. A person is prone to self-digging. If the picture is located on the foot, then a partner is being sought - a wide back for protection and support. Most likely, the carrier of such tattoos is dissatisfied with what is happening around and I want to protect themselves.

After finding out the meaning of the chosen plot and determining the place for tattooing, you can safely proceed to the process itself. With the right approach, the result will be a stunning geometric tattoo.


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