Tattooing is a type of art with the help of which men and girls try to express their originality and uniqueness, emphasize their image or make it more attractive. In general, everyone has his own reasons for tattoos, someone dreams about it for a long time, others just like drawings, and they want to capture them on their bodies. A special role should be given to the value of tattoos, because each character has not only an attractive appearance, but also a hidden meaning. As for styles, the modern art of tattoo includes dozens of techniques of applying the image on the body, one of them is the style of Polynesia.

The history of the Polynesian style

As you know, Polynesian tattoos have a deep symbolism and many seem rude. Proceeding from the name of the style, it is not difficult to guess that the first wearable drawings appeared on the Pacific Islands, where they served as memoirs for the Indians, free to tell the owner about the image.By tattooing one could find out the social status of a person, his exploits, the level of spiritual and physical development. It was also believed that a tattooed head binds a person to one of the gods who can influence his fate.

Tattoo stuffing on the body was an extremely specific process, which was accompanied by rites, songs and prayers. Applying a tattoo on the body of the priests lasted for several months, so the men supported in every possible way. To create a tattoo, a special stencil was attached to the body with a sketch of the drawing, after which an image was carved out with a hammer and a sharpened tooth, falling asleep with dyes. Pigments were made from resin of a coniferous tree, and the priest's blood was wiped all the time, as she could not fall to the floor. At the end of the procedure, the skin was treated with the juice of tropical plants, which retains the color of the tattoo.

Another interesting historical fact, the more honorable the man was, the more tattoos were on his body. When choosing a place for tattoos, the men stopped on the face (in particular, the leaders), as well as on the legs from the knee to the waist. On the buttocks were a tattoo in the form of a spiral: open - a symbol of recovery, closed - perfection and infinity. Patterns on the wrists and chest showed social status, an ornament on the cheeks - a type of activity, on the chin - the origin, and on the forehead - the history of battles and victories. As for the representatives of the weaker sex, there were far fewer drawings on their bodies; they were placed on their chins or lips.

Tattoo Polynesia: style features

Polynesian tattoos are always notable for their brutality and massiveness, they can always reveal hidden power and aggression. In general, the tattoo includes long and short, thin and wide lines, waves and zigzags, creating intricate and intricate geometric shapes. It is also worth noting that the game of shadows and colors is missing here. The pads are characterized by their clarity and symmetry, performed in black. However, it is now possible to add colors to make the image more vivid and colorful - usually this option is chosen by girls, as it looks more feminine.

In the Polynesian style there are no random lines or details, because each one hides behind itself large energy reserves and deep meaning that can influence the fate of its owner. For example, lines depicting fish scales can become a talisman for their owner, protect him from ailments and dangers. Bonito (tuna) is a symbol of vigor, skill and resourcefulness; it looks like a tattoo of two rows of teeth with white diamonds in the middle.

Particular attention was paid to the lines that create the external image of shark teeth - black triangles, which are connected by a line. The value of shark teeth - strength, protection and fearlessness, the ability to find solutions in any difficult situation. The placement of the tattoo shark teeth (niho mano) - ankle. As you know, all Polynesian designs are particularly complex, so to create tattoos you need a true professional. In search of a highly qualified specialist, many go to the islands, which serve as a birthplace for these tattoos. It should be understood that each island has its own motifs and meanings, for example, in Hawaii, the most popular sketches are the image of skulls, flowers and wreaths, but on Samoa they tattoo a pig with a pig or shark tooth.

Male and female tattoo Polynesia

Tattoos, made in the Polynesian style, give men brutality and courage, reflecting their masculinity and inner strength. When choosing a place on the body, representatives of the sex strongly give back, chest or forearm sketches. No less impressive is the Polynesian tattoo as a sleeve or the entire length of the arm from the wrist to the neck. Also, some lovers of this style place tattoos on their legs, in particular, calves, shins, knees or feet, and special physically and spiritually prepared personalities place tattoos, like the ancient inhabitants of the tribes, on their faces.

Modern girls are gentle, romantic and cute personalities for whom coarse Polynesian-style tattoos do not look attractive. In this regard, the Polynesia tattoo on the female body is much more difficult to meet, but there are exceptions. Usually, girls prefer light and openwork lines, the drawings are small and are placed on the legs, arms or shoulders, but the more popular options are the waist, shoulder blade or back. As for the sketches, the girls stop their attention on the image of a stingray or lizard, supplemented by ferns, butterflies, flowers or birds.

An important detail - often men choose large tattoos, but girls prefer small tattoos. Small Polynesian tattoos can not be used, because all the lines will merge together and the appearance of the tattoo will not be beautiful. The only way out is to use several small tattoos that create a common composition (modular tattoo). It is also worth noting that this style is independent and its combination with other techniques of tattooing is undesirable.

maori face tattoos


Polynesian style tattoos, sketches and their meaning

Among the total number of Polynesian-style tattoos, there are three most popular motives:

  • Shark - a symbol of strength, perseverance and perseverance. At the same time, the shark is an intelligent and bloodthirsty predator, symbolizing high intelligence and power.
  • Skat - strong amulet. As you know, the slope is a very wise animal with a poisonous tail. He never attacks first, but easily overcome any predator regardless of its size.
  • Masks - previously they were worn only by hunters and warriors, so the tattoo personifies the strength and martial spirit of the man.



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