In order to become a little wiser, you do not have to devote yourself to science or study for 6 years at the university, many have enough to read scientific books. After reading the interesting and most popular books of this genre, you can learn different areas of human existence. Of course, they will not make their readers immediately a great scientist, but they will help to understand the structure of man and the world, as well as the universe as a whole.

Elke Lutyen-Drekoll, Chihiro Yokochi and Yoganes V. Royen “Grand Atlas of Anatomy”

The scientific book that serves as a world bestseller is the “Big Anatomy Atlas”. The book is capable of turning the whole world of its reader not only with deep text, but also with unique illustrations, photographs of anatomical sections, training diagrams and other additional materials. Thanks to the book you can understand the functional aspects and structural features of systems and organisms.

Bill Bryson "A Brief History of Almost Everything"

Not less well-known book in the popular science genre - "A brief history of almost everything in the world."It is worth noting that the title fully reflects the essence of the attached text, since after reading the book the reader will discover many new things in all areas of human life. This book is a classic of popular science and the world's bestseller of modernity.

Here you can find information about subatomic particles, the Big Bang and its theories, primitiveness, lizards, and so on. However, the pages of the book tell not only about the distant past, but also about more modern achievements and discoveries of science, which had a global impact on the creation of modern civilization.

Alexander Markov "The Evolution of Man"

Another unique scientific manual - "The Evolution of Man", which is presented in two books. Here the reader will find a fascinating story about the origin of man, his first steps and methods of arrangement in reality. The books are based on research in genetics and anthropology, as well as evolutionary psychology. A two-part book will answer a series of questions of interest to humanity. To understand the features of a person, the reasons for his superiority and the available advantages, it is enough to treat reading books with the utmost seriousness, because they make you think.

John Lehrer "How we make decisions"

The book in its preface has only one phrase of the author: "Each of us is able to come to a successful solution." As John Lehrer is known, he is not just a talented journalist, but also an expert in psychology who has gained worldwide popularity and recognition. He is interested not only in psychology, but also in neurobiology, and the book “How we make decisions” is a manual describing decision-making mechanisms. Here the author explains in detail how a person makes a choice and why he chooses one or another option. The author will also tell about when and how to make the right choice, how to indulge your intuition and not go under the influence of others.

Michio Kaku "Hyperspace. A scientific odyssey through parallel worlds, holes in time and the tenth dimension ”

With the development of modern science and technology, people find more and more answers to the questions that they have been interested in since ancient times. However, there are many unexplained things that make you think about the existence of other worlds and civilizations. Instinct says that the world is three-dimensional, in this connection, scientific hypotheses and assumptions are constantly being built. The book will look at this situation, while the author himself, the physicist Michio Kaku, emphasized that this is only a prejudice.

The book is devoted to the theory of hyperspace and the idea of ​​multidimensionality. The theory is to combine all existing into one, simple structure, explaining everything at once. Michio Kaku in simple words explains scientific facts and achievements, explaining the origin of the Earth, as well as talking about parallel universes and other phenomena that still seem fantastic.

Stephen Hawking "The World in a Nutshell"

The author of the book is the Nobel laureate, who was called the “master of clarity”, because he is the only modern scientist who has clearly explained the most difficult scientific concepts for perception. The book talks about black holes, superstring theory and other physical issues that are relevant in our time. Hawking gives a basic idea of ​​all these phenomena in such a way that even a child can understand them.

Matt Ridley "Genome"

The genome is the greatest discovery in human life that shocked the whole world. The book talks about such a science as genetics, as well as the laws of heredity, deciphering the genome and other processes that the average person cannot understand. However, the text of the book is written so well and simply that the reader who does not have a scientific degree can understand the basis of science, heredity and organization of the human body. The book consists of 23 chapters - chromosomes, where in each of them thousands of protein-recipes - genes. The text of the book is the encrypted genetic code of a person, in which each paragraph (each gene) has an invaluable influence on the character and behavior of a person.

Stephen Fry's "The Book of Universal Misconceptions"

This book is a collection, which includes 230 basic questions of a person and the answers to them. The author offers his reader not only to find out the answers to his questions, but also to learn pseudoscientific prejudices and myths, false facts and evidence of their fiction. Thanks to this book you can learn almost everything: the color of Mars, the name of the creator of penicillin, and so on. The main advantage of the book - despite the scientific genre, it is read easily thanks to the special style of the author.

David Bodanis "E = mc2. Biography of the most famous equation in the world "

The author himself says about his book that ignorance of the main achievements of a person over the past 200 years is not only terrible, but simply embarrassing. David Bodanis is a renowned teacher who lectures at world renowned European universities. It is inspired by a revolutionary formula that changed the world and its structure. The well-known Albert Einstein equation yielded to a thorough study, thanks to which the author created a book about difficult for human perception, making it in the form of an exciting detective story. The main characters are world-famous thinkers and physicists, for example, Einstein, Rezerfod and Faraday.

Armand Marie Leroy “Mutants”

On the pages of the book you can find a fascinating story about the creation of the human body. The author tells about how an embryo, a fetus and finally a child are created from a single cell. The book gives, though incomplete, but a clear and precise question to the answer - what we are. In this book, the author explores the human body and its features through the unique and at the same time frightening stories of mutants (people with accrete limbs, hermaphrodites, Siamese twins, etc.). Armand Marie Leroy demonstrates that the anatomy of the human body remains unchanged regardless of genetic diversity. It is worth noting that the formation of the human body is not fully understood to this day.


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